Terms of Business

Adil Advokater’s terms of business apply to all assignments we undertake unless otherwise agreed in writing.

1.1 Conflict of Interest or Loyalty

In accordance with the Danish Bar and Law Society’s regulations and our internal impartiality procedures, we ensure that no conflict of interest or loyalty exists before formally accepting a case.

If a conflict of interest or impartiality issue arises during the course of a case, requiring us to withdraw, we will gladly recommend another attorney.

1.2 Identity Information and Anti-Money Laundering

Adil Advokater—like all other law firms—is subject to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, which imposes preventive measures against money laundering.

We are therefore required to collect and store identity information for every client.

If a conflict of interest or loyalty is identified before we formally accept a case, or if such a conflict arises during the case, requiring us to withdraw, we will gladly recommend another attorney.

1.3 Fees and Payment

The determination of legal fees is based on several factors, including:

  • The time spent on the case
  • The specialized knowledge and experience of the involved lawyers
  • The complexity of the assignment and its importance to the client
  • The values involved and the outcome achieved
  • The responsibility associated with handling the case

Our fees are exclusive of relevant costs and disbursements.

It can be difficult to estimate the exact fee at the outset of a case. However, upon request—and always for consumers—we are happy to provide a reasoned estimate along with expected costs and disbursements. If it later becomes evident that the total fee is likely to exceed the estimate, we will inform the client as early as possible.

1.4 Fees in Criminal Cases

In criminal cases where the attorney is court-appointed, the fee is determined by the courts based on guideline ratesset by the judiciary.

As of 2024, these rates are based on an hourly fee of DKK 2,456.25 (incl. VAT). This rate is typically adjusted annually.

The fee is initially covered by the state treasury. However, if the defendant is found guilty, the police will later collect the fee from them. In most cases, it is possible to arrange an installment payment plan.

For further details, refer to the guidance document available on domstol.dk under “Blanketter og vejledninger” → “Salærer og takster””.

1.5 Invoicing

As a general rule, we issue an invoice upon completion of the assignment.

For ongoing advisory services and long-term assignments (on account), invoicing is done at appropriate intervals, usually monthly or quarterly, unless otherwise agreed.

Payment terms are 8 days from the invoice date, and VAT is added in accordance with applicable regulations.

1.6 Advance Payment

As a general rule, we request advance payment for disbursements and expenses—and in exceptional cases, for legal fees.

Any prepaid fees, disbursements, or expenses will be deposited into our client account and may, including any accrued interest, be used to offset future invoices and cover expenses, unless otherwise agreed.

1.7 Disbursements

The client is separately charged for disbursements and relevant expenses incurred in connection with the provided legal assistance.

1.8 Confidentiality

All employees at Adil Advokater are bound by professional secrecy. Any information received from or regarding a client in connection with a case is treated as confidential unless the circumstances clearly indicate that the information is not of a confidential nature.

1.9 Insider Trading

All employees at Adil Advokater are subject to applicable legislation prohibiting the disclosure of inside information regarding publicly traded companies and restricting the trading of listed securities. Additionally, they are bound by an internal set of rules established by the firm.

1.10 Use of Our Advice

Our advice is tailored to the specific task and may not be used for any other purpose without our explicit prior consent. We are only responsible to the client for the advice provided, unless otherwise agreed.

1.11 Completion of the Assignment

Adil Advokater will carry out the assignment until its natural conclusion or until the client requests its termination. However, we reserve the right to immediately cease our assistance if invoice payment deadlines are significantly exceeded despite reminders or if the client becomes insolvent.

We also reserve the right to withdraw from a case in exceptional circumstances, if we determine that we can no longer take responsibility for handling the matter, or if we believe it is in the client’s best interest to terminate our collaboration.

Original documents are typically returned no later than at the conclusion of the assignment. Case files are retained for a minimum of five years from the invoice date.

1.12 Complaints

Adil Advokater and its lawyers are subject to supervision by the Danish Bar and Law Society, which ensures compliance with the regulations governing the legal profession, including the Code of Conduct for Lawyers. These rules can be found on the Danish Bar and Law Society’s website: www.advokatsamfundet.dk.

If you, as a client, are dissatisfied with a lawyer’s conduct or fees, you have the option to submit a complaint to the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society:

Kronprinsessegade 28, 4th floor
1306 Copenhagen K
Phone: 33 96 97 97, Monday-Friday kl. 9:00-12:00
E-mail: postkasse@advokatnaevnet.dk
Website: www.advokatnævnet.dk

If you are not satisfied with Adil Advokater’s assistance, conduct, or fees, we kindly ask you to first contact the lawyer you have been working with to seek an amicable resolution. You are also always welcome to reach out to Attorney M. Arbab Perveez to discuss a possible solution.

1.13 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute between a client and Adil Advokater shall be resolved in accordance with Danish law and be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Danish courts.

1.14 Liability, Limitation of Liability, and Insurance Coverage

Adil Advokater is liable for the legal advice provided in accordance with the general rules of Danish law and is covered by professional liability insurance with a recognized insurance company.