Client Information
The Firm
Adil Advokater is a sole proprietorship operating as a law firm from the following address:
Tomsgårdsvej 2, st. th.
2400 Copenhagen NV.
CVR-no.: 34250375.
Bank Account Information
Registration No.: 4180
Account No.: 4777774816
Bank: Danske Bank, Frederiksberggade 1, 1459 Copenhagen K
For International Transfers:
IBAN-no: DK8330004777774816
About the Lawyers
The lawyers at Adil Advokater are appointed by the Civil Affairs Agency under the Ministry of Justice and are members of the Danish Bar and Law Society.
They are obligated to comply with the rules of good legal practice, as stated in Section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. Additionally, the Code of Conduct for Lawyers applies, which can be found on the Danish Bar and Law Society’s website:
The lawyers are also covered by a mandatory liability insurance and guarantee scheme, issued by:
CNA Insurance Company (Europe) S.A
Hammerensgade 6, 1st floor, 1267 Copenhagen K
Policy No.: FOR0139 (Attorney M. Arbab Perveez)